Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Theron's sexy back on Letterman

Charlize Theron gets all wrapped up for her appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman at The Ed Sullivan Theaters in New York City on Tuesday.

Below are some of the earlier reviews of Hancock, which stars Theron, Will Smith and Jason Bateman:

Variety: “An intriguing high concept is undermined by low-grade dramaturgy in Hancock. This misguided attempt to wring a novel twist on the superhero genre has a certain whiff of The Last Action Hero about it, with Will Smith playing an indestructible crime-buster in a pointedly real-world context. Although it will inevitably open very large, this odd and perplexing aspiring tentpole will provide a real test of Smith’s box office invincibility.”

Hollywood Reporter: “The visual effects are stellar, but the true star is Smith, who again demonstrates acting chops as well as effortless charisma in a vehicle that’s only occasionally worthy of his superhuman skills.”

source JustJared

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